Prices are going up. Lots of pages to change and it is taking longer than i thought. In the meantime take advantage of this sale.
All passwords including algebra and crash course.
Algebra with base ten blocks online!
30 Hour Course.
Click for details.
FOUR Base Ten Block BOOKS, one low price, $19.99.
Absolutely Amazing Addends
Wildly Wondrous Work Books
Passwords will change again "SOON".
Just $97.00
Hourly rate is now $60.00 x 5 = $300.00.
$75.00 single classes.
Use the contact link for payments or other communication if you can't find a paypal button.
Crewton Ramone's No Mystery Theatre
Now Has A Second Page!!!
(More FREE vids!)
And pardon me: for those of you that can't do math, the November 2020 election was absolutely stolen. Very basic math. Trump won in a landslide, so did a lot of others...this is why YOU need math. This will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in 2025.
Check eBay for blocks.
Here is my PayPal:
If you want training on how to use your blocks go here.
If you want plastic blocks read on.
People always ask what should I get?
A combo kit and a set of multi-tens and some TRAINING and/or a Life Time Password and you are good to go! Now you can buy them in modules so your initial cash outlay doesn't have to be as high and you still get them for life.
It doesn't matter what kind of base 10 blocks you have, this website will help you use them to best effect; however, many parents/teachers have figured out that their base 10 blocks are inferior for many applications. There are also base 10 blocks that are practically identical to Mortensen math blocks, and many factions kits that are exactly the same from various companies.
If you already have some kind of base ten manipulatives then all you need is training on how to use them. Modules facilitate this, by showing you theory in practice as well as theory. Module one is designed to give you the big picture, & give you tools to use with your base 10 blocks in the form of PDF and video. Module two gives you training right down to the nitty-gritty. Module three & four show you actual lessons...
I of course am partial to the Mortensen Math blocks, but acquiring them can be challenging. Mortensen Company often takes 6 to 8 weeks to deliver. Digital products like passwords and PDFs are delivered immediately though, so I often tell people to order their blocks and then spend time on my website, so that when they come you'll be (more than) ready to use them. It will take you longer than 68 weeks to get through all the information that I have...
Many moms cry tears of joy because they finally understand the math they didn't learn in highschool and now that the fear is removed, they feel confident to play math with their children/students.
POSTAL RATES HAVE GONE UP AGAIN! Especially Australia but also CANADA or U.K...postage to the land down under is high. I will send you an invoice for the additional shipping.
Ballpark to AUstrailia/Eastern Europe about $85...just for shipping.
Orders need PH#'s to ship. If you don't include your phone number this will delay your order.
All physical orders: expect 6 to 8 weeks wait time in the USA. Usually they ship faster but not always.
Get a combo kit, and get started with sample lessons. Simple.
If you have a little more money (and who doesn't in these excellent economic times?) and multiple kids who are under ten, get a curriculum starter kit. But if you just want to get started, a combo kit is step one.
Better than that is a combo kit combo:
Your kids need to get their hands on the blocks. Just watching videos will not suffice. They have to play along. Watch videos build problems, draw problems and finally write the symbols...
If you have a school or tutoring business the "combo kit" or case of combo kits is a good place to start.
A Combo kit & MULTI-TENS (Combo Kit Combo) and passwords really will get you going and as you can tell from the testimonials "change your math life." Or you could just get a multi-tens set (or two) if you already have a combo kit.
In Module two and three you will see why having two sets of multi tens is advantageous if you can afford them. A combo kit with two multi tens Is called a "Deluxe Combo Kit Combo."
This will be your go to set of blocks for most of the mathematics Presented on this website. You will see hours of lessons showing you how to use these manipulatives to best effect.
Check eBay for blocks.
Here is my PayPal:
These are called multi-tens. They make math fast and easy so you don't have to fumble around with individual tens or x's when building larger problems. The mind wants to work quickly, don't get bogged down in computation or building because you have inferior blocks. On the other hand you don't need to have Mortensen math blocks to take advantage of this website. You will learn how to use Base 10 blocks and make them into the powerful tools they were meant to be.
Then you can add more like this:
Fractions Kit Discription: (NOW the Fractions Kit has it's own page just like the combo kit.)
1. Free shipping to Continental USA Destinations (Not Alaska, Hawaii, or outlying USA Territories).
2. International Shipping is billed by Mortensen Math World Headquarters prior to shipment.
3. No Cash Refunds. Credit exchange only with RMA. Email first for RMA: MortensenMath at
4. When your order is received by Mortensen Math World Headquarters you will receive a CONFIRMATION email.
5. Please allow 6-6 weeks for receipt of your order. If you have not received it or heard from us within 3 weeks please request ORDER STATUS at: MortensenMath at
6. When your order is shipped by Mortensen Math World Headquarters you will receive a TRACKING email that includes an ETA.
"Your method of teaching math is Perfect!! We are playing the games from your free pdf on math games.
He is CRAZY about the bucket game. He wears me out with the game but it is wonderful to see him excited about math." ~PS, IL
Curriculum Starter Kits $551.25 or $420.00: (Now has it's own page just like the combo kit.) The DSK is the whole kit and caboodle. Basically is a lot more than 551 bucks worth of stuff crammed into a box. This kit is for people with kids 10 and under!! If you have three or four kids this kit is the best value by far.
Not for high school or college kids. If you have 10 to 13 year olds get Lvl 1 and Lvl 2 books instead of smiley face.
After a lot of hanranging, Mortensen Company is filling my orders. They have updated the series A Manuals. But basically you get everything you see here. Expect them to take 6 to 8 weeks to fill your orders.
The video is dated but it does cover what you get. It no longer comes in a big white box.
Some of these prices may have changed:
See Latest Pricelist for details.
1 Combo Kit. $95.00
1 Fractions Kit. $120.75
1 Basic Ops Kit. W/ 10,000 square and extra 1,000 (20) and 100 strips. (10) $75.00
1 Multiple Tens Kit. $42.00.
50 Smiley face Books. $137.50
Set of lvl One Books. $137.50
Lvl 1 Teachers Manual. $40.00
Addition and Multiplication Facts Mastery Books. $60.00
Series A Manuals. $35.00
Skip count CD & Coloring Books. $24.99
Modules to hours of Videos and many pages of PDF's. NOT INCLUDED.
That's about $650.00 worth of stuff at retail.
They currently have the NEW Series A manuals in and now they now include a 10,000 square too, with the deluxe kit you get Addition Facts Mastery books & Multiplication Facts mastery books; with the lower priced kit you choose smiley face OR Lvl 1, you don't get both (with the Deluxe kit you get both & you can get level one and level two instead of Smilely Face if you need to)...also note they charge 2.75 per book so these prices are rounded DOWN not up...
Mortensen Company books are NOT uniform (they also ran out of the signature white boxes and never got more) order now...bamboo steamer and steak knives will not be included with your order.
They use Fedex for most items which is why they require a ph#...they need it for delivery and incase they can't find your house etc.
Also note: unless specified your package(s) come(s) with SIGNATURE REQUIRED.
I'm not calling you unless something is wrong...
From Mortco:
1. Free shipping to Continental USA Destinations (Not Alaska, Hawaii, or outlying USA Territories).
2. International Shipping is billed by Mortensen Math World Headquarters prior to shipment.
3. No Cash Refunds. Credit exchange only with RMA. Email first for RMA: MortensenMath at
4. When your order is received by Mortensen Math World Headquarters you will receive a CONFIRMATION email.
5. Please allow 3-6 weeks for receipt of your order. If you have not received it or heard from us within 3 weeks please request ORDER STATUS at: MortensenMath at
6. When your order is shipped by Mortensen Math World Headquarters you will receive a TRACKING email that includes an ETA.
BOOKS! NOW have ALL books in stock. They are not uniform; however.
The Modules give you hours of training and examples on how to use base ten blocks effectively. This training used to cost $1000.00's when you include travel and lodging because the only place you could get this kind of instruction was a training in Idaho...
Click Module II for free training excerpts, and info on training: currently there are hours & hours there...90% of which you won't find anywhere else. It is unique content on the entire web.
Passwords change every few months or so...
Passwords, are the same for everybody. You not get to create a user id and password.
Considering this info is unavailable anywhere on the net that I've been able to find, I'd say iModules are a deal. Not to mention I charge $50 ban hour and there are HOURS AND HOURS of video and instruction available to you with a password. As you should be able to tell by perusing my site, you will get more than 400 bucks worth of info here.
Even if the PDFs and videos were worth only a dollar apiece, there are more than 400 of them on this website. Don't get overwhelmed, Start with Getting Started, move on to module one...The EZ PZ Overview will clear things up for you in an evening.
Get into the PDFs page which has several PDFs for younger students as well a 10 Page practice sheet for making change. The average student gets out of highskool and can't make change or do fractions.
If the password changes before your full term has been used up, just email me with NEW PASSWORD in the subject line. Be sure to include your transaction ID from Paypal (and what page you are trying to get into).
"I was wowing through the whole video at how easy you made that!" ~Elizabeth S. From California.
"@CrewtonRamone Totally under-rated math-communicator: ur manipulatives, methods n math-insight should be taught to every math teacher by law" ~MerryMakes on Twitter
Percentages are also among the vids on the protected pages...and you won't find percentages with base ten blocks like this anywhere else.
Currently do not have the capability for a master password on this site.
Product Exchange.
Also, I know some of you have base ten products stowed away, Mortensen Math kits may be filling your garage or basement... For a 20% fee I will list them here and try to match buyers with sellers who have like new or used products with people who want to buy like new or slightly used products. Contact me for more info if you have product you'd like to sell. Or you could just list them on eBay.
Check eBay for blocks.
Here is my PayPal:
If you need to, contact me for help.
After all that still not sure what to get, Contact Me and set up a free consultation. How clear things up for you in 15 minutes or less. I just need to know how many kids you have and their ages.
Here is a link to my iPhone App.
The "combo kit" or case of combo kits.
“Quality in a product or service is not what the supplier puts in. It is what the customer gets out and is willing to pay for. A product is not quality because it is hard to make and costs a lot of money, as manufacturers typically believe. This is incompetence. Customers pay only for what is of use to them and gives them value. Nothing else constitutes quality.” ~Peter F. Drucker
"Buy Quality once." ~Proverb
Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?
Consider a dollar a month.
For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page.
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website. I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.
Here's My Patreon:
Note: from time to time the passwords change. Simply e-mail me for a new one or a new passport as the case may be. Annual passes are good for one year, lifetime passes are good for as long as the site remains up, (site has been up for eight years now). All single page passwords have lifetime renewal.
Note: Mortensen Product Ordering Buttons Have Been Removed Due To Shipping/Inventory Issues. i basically DO NOT sell product for them anymore. Use eBay or other sources for base ten blocks.
Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?
Consider a dollar a month.
For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page.
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website. I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.
Here's My Patreon: