Module I

(Use Module One Password)

Mortensen Math Combo Kit, Base ten blocks, manipulatives
PDF color write 10s worksheet for base ten blocks

PDFs, Books & Manuals

made especially for your Mortensen Math base ten blocks.

Prices are going up. Lots of pages to change and it is taking longer than i thought. In the meantime take advantage of this sale.
All passwords including algebra and crash course.


Algebra with base ten blocks online!
30 Hour Course.
Click for details.

The Addition Course

FOUR Base Ten Block BOOKS, one low price, $19.99.

Absolutely Amazing Addends

 Wildly Wondrous Work Books 

Passwords will change again "SOON".


Base Ten Block CRASH COURSE 
Just $97.00


Hourly rate is now $60.00 x 5 = $300.00.  
$75.00 single classes.

Use the contact link for payments or other communication if you can't find a paypal button.


Crewton Ramone's No Mystery Theatre

Now Has A Second Page!!!
(More FREE vids!)

And pardon me: for those of you that can't do math, the November 2020 election was absolutely stolen.  Very basic math. Trump won in a landslide, so did a lot of others...this is why YOU need math.  This will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in 2025.


11 to 14 walls

This page contains PDFs made specifically for your base 10 blocks along with videos about those PDFs + videos and more links to pages with useful math PDFs & information...  

These PDFs will work with whatever kind of-base 10 blocks you have, and will be a welcome and extremely valuable addition to your base 10 block homeschool curriculum. Guaranteed.  

You get PDFs to help your students write numbers correctly and neatly. PDFs on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, practice worksheets for making change, worksheets that make percentages a breeze. If you have Mortensen Math Books there are progress charts for those plus their scope and sequence. You also get PDFs for fractions, percentages, square numbers and of course algebra. 

PDFs include my books: the Curious Counters Compendium (CCCCKC), Absolutely Amazing Addends (AAA), Supremely Simple Subjection (SSS) & Divinely Dandy non-Difficult Division (DDnDD). Plus there are two Wildly Wondrous Workbooks. 

You also get SERIES A Manuals Online.  

Worksheets for writing numbers.

12s pyramid-addends-house

Lifetime Passwords

Lifetime Passwords are just get a pass for a lifetime. Pay once and you are good, forever. Come back as often as you like. Watch vids, download PDFs. You get all my passwords to get through all my pay walls all for one low price...currently that takes 4 passwords. When you purchase the LIFETIME PASSPORT you get it all for one low price: $999.00...

Or you can purchase individual modules, & get a lifetime of access.

MOD 1: Series A Plus EZ PZ Overview Plus PDFs 

MOD 2: Parent Teacher Training + Winter Training 

MOD 3 : Sitewide 

MOD 4: "Advanced Pages" + SSDSS Facebook Math Group 

Use this link or the button below.

                Lifetime Options:      

"Membership Has Its Privileges"

(Mod I)

Private Facebook group have had access to the Series A Manuals since last year & Winter Training too.

The Winter Training Page also has four hours from math camp in addition to about 10 hours of training.  

The winter training page has been added to the parent teacher training page at no additional cost to lifetime password holders. 

Module II is Parent / Teacher Training.

Training should be interesting and fun. i am told mine are both. If you play along you will never be bored. Training is important because it shows you what to do and how to do and i also tell you why we do the things we do and why it works so well. Once you begin to understand a little bit about HOW we learn and cognitive development, you see why this system is head and shoulders above the rest. Of course M0AR Training is included.

Attendees paid $100.00 each for Winter Training. It was a steep discount because it was basically for Lifetime Password members who it asked me to do one. I gave it to them over Christmas break more or less as a Christmas present and a way of saying thank you for their support. There are several trainings in module two as well as a few hours of math camp. i've seen other math trainings (that aren't as good and don't SHOW you algebra or how to use it to teach math) on one Saturday morning for $500.00. i show you algebra and how to incorporate it in your lessons with very young students over several trainings that are broken up into bite size pieces of usually 90 minutes or less. 

Hurricane Training is a great training covering fundamentals and giving more theory that you can put into practice in your homeschool.  

Module Two and the hours of training in it is only $400.00.

Daisy 25 Addends

Lifetime Memberships
Lifetime Passports

                Lifetime Options:      

***Unlimited Lifetime Access:

Passport 4 Passwords + AC = All four passwords plus the Algebra Course.  Basically all of my passwords for a one time fee of $1249.00.  You will also get M0AR Training (crash course), Winter Training, and Hurricane Training and all of my books. 

Passport 4 Passwords $999.00 = All four passwords. You will also get the crash course and Hurricane Training and all of my books. But no Algebra Course. You can always buy it separately for $250.00 if you buy all four passwords. 

PDF Only (MOD I) $100.00 = Module One. PDFs and Books and more PDFs. You get the series A manuals, my books and the EZ PZ Overview. You will also get the Crash Course and Hurricane Training. This module has all ten Series A Manuals online plus my books and workbooks, as well as worksheets for learning how to write numbers, pdfs explaining the method and make it EZ PZ, pdfs for practicing concepts.  A plethora of PDFs all in on place. Most of them have explanatory videos to go along with them so you get best use out of them.  It will take you quite a while to download and print it all.  This has an entry page and you are on it now. 

Training (MOD II) $400.00 = Module Two. Training you won't get anywhere else. You will also get the Crash Course and Hurricane Training and all of my books. Module one and two are a great combination. You will learn how to teach math using base ten blocks whether you are planning to homeschool or a side hustle, this Module will put you well ahead of any competition. Best of all the videos are fun...they may not be exactly entertaining, but they certainly are engaging. i get great results so you will get great results because i teach you how and the theory behind it, in other words how and WHY.  This page has an entry page. 

SiteWide (MOD III) $250.00 = Module Three is the most bang for your buck. It isn't so much a module with an entry page as a collection of pages. When in doubt try the Mod III password. Coupled with Module One, you basically get my website from 10 years ago before i added all the parent/teacher training and the so called "advanced" pages.  Spend time on these pages and training will be a breeze. Module Three puts theory into practice. Module Two gives you theory and some practice, this module is all theory in practice right in front of your eyes, you see and hear the children learning in real time. You can hear the ah-ha moments...the lessons are unrehearsed with real students. They are fun because learning is fun and watching others learn is fun too. 

"Advanced" (Module IV) $250.00 = i say "advanced" because Module Four is higher level math, but really you are still just creatively applying the five basic concepts. It has however come to my attention that other curriculums are not using the blocks to teach upper level algebra, and resort to symbols only in their books. i put the pictures back in and show you what the symbols mean and what the problems look like. This greatly enhances speed and efficiency of learning as well as making abstract concepts accessible to kinesthetic learners who can build the problems from the drawings. Visual learners love this method because they can see the symbols and operations, which makes it fun. 

Advanced  what's under the cup

Lifetime members already have access  to the Password Protected PDF's Page use the Sitewide Password.  

The Sitewide Pass works a lot of places; it DOES NOT work here, the module one password does .

Green backarrow



green forward arrow

SW PDFS (Mod iii)
BUY Modules
Module two

Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?

Consider a dollar a month.

For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website.  I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.

Here's My Patreon:

Note: from time to time the passwords change. Simply e-mail me for a new one or a new passport as the case may be. Annual passes are good for one year, lifetime passes are good for as long as the site remains up, (site has been up for eight years now).  All single page passwords have lifetime renewal.

Note: Mortensen Product Ordering Buttons Have Been Removed Due To Shipping/Inventory Issues. i basically DO NOT sell product for them anymore. Use eBay or other sources for base ten blocks. Check with Anna's Math Page.

Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?

Consider a dollar a month.

For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website.  I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.

Here's My Patreon:

Passwords have been re-organized into modules. PASSWORD INFO ← Click to find out more.

Already have Passwords but they don't work anymore? Hit the Contacts Tab and email me at gmail for the new ones.

Passwords have changed as of July2023.

The superduper supersecret math page on Facebook is NOT FREE. Just sign up for a buck a month or buy books or a password.

People are shocked and amazed when they see how much they get for a password. $43.33 goes a long way at the house of math.