Prices are going up. Lots of pages to change and it is taking longer than i thought. In the meantime take advantage of this sale.
All passwords including algebra and crash course.
Algebra with base ten blocks online!
30 Hour Course.
Click for details.
FOUR Base Ten Block BOOKS, one low price, $19.99.
Absolutely Amazing Addends
Wildly Wondrous Work Books
Passwords will change again "SOON".
Just $97.00
Hourly rate is now $60.00 x 5 = $300.00.
$75.00 single classes.
Use the contact link for payments or other communication if you can't find a paypal button.
Crewton Ramone's No Mystery Theatre
Now Has A Second Page!!!
(More FREE vids!)
And pardon me: for those of you that can't do math, the November 2020 election was absolutely stolen. Very basic math. Trump won in a landslide, so did a lot of others...this is why YOU need math. This will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in 2025.
Note there is no Module Three Entry technically page like there is with Module One and Module Two. You are on the Module three entry page and notice how many pages there are on which you can use your Mod III password.
This page has link to 20 pages where you can use your Module Three Password, including The Addition Course.
Concepts. This page covers five basic concepts and other basics & fundamentals that comprise the methodology, such as "the three period lesson."
Enrichment. This is a page that Links to many blog posts showing You how to use algebra to teach mathematics to very little kids. The page itself is short. It only contains one video, but be sure to click the links, They take you to Buried Blog posts, Which although old are timeless and ageless. Lessons will be the same when he has children.
Games and Activities This page leads to the Series A manual PDF. The page has LOS pictures and videos designed to stimulate your imagination and play games and do fun activities with your pupils. Plus links to my blog with ten years of posts.
Preschool math activities. This is the entry page. There are some fun activities for preschoolers here, playing with clay & chalk on the sidewalk among others. Several hours of video have been added so you can see theory in practice.
To get the most out of the addition page, you need the module three password.
The addition page has many links to password-protected pages. There are many, pics and vid's that show you how to teach the crucial concept of Addition...on pages like these. The idea is at this age it should be fun, so these pages show you how to play games & give them fun activities or tasks to do that are simple yet powerful when it comes to mathematical concepts.
Notice that emphasis is on play, not worksheets and pencils. These pages are not designed to be the have all or end all, but to give you an idea of some of the games and activities that you could create for making math fun in your homeschool or classroom. They should cause you to brain storm. All of these pages teach 45 addends and 400 multiplication facts
Addends. Part of The Addition Course. Building walls & having fun is important to begin with. Concepts like numbers are made of other numbers, Addition and subtraction skills and more are developed by building & playing with the blocks. This page shows you some basics. Addends are foundational skill that help with all of your counting. There are several links to these password-protected pages on the addition page.
Subtraction: This page is password protected because the way i teach subtraction & making change is unique on the internet. This method makes it super fast and easy. You can make change in your head faster than cashiers can punch it into their cash registers. Knowing their 45 addends will make subtraction & making change into child's play. Eventually, if you are playing in a group, they will race to get the answers. The focus is on nines and tens.
Multiplication Main Page This page has lots of videos and links to Multiplication Information. How to teach it and when. Games and activities for multiplication with base 10 blocks, of course. It also contains a link to the Old School Green Series A Multiplication Manual.
First grade math worksheets. This page is weak and everything that's on it is already on the PDFs Page, but it does have a few cool PDFs and videos. It used to be a free page, but I got tired of people coming to my site downloading as much as they could, then never paying for anything. The idea was that people would come get all this great free stuff and then eventually pay me back by getting a password ...i misjudged the character of my potential clientele. Those of you that have passwords none of this applies to you. lol Those of you who click around seeing how much free stuff you can get? This absolutely applies to you.
Password-protected PDFs page. This page has PDFs, But it does not have the Series A Manuals or the EZ PZ PDF or training videos. It has everything on the first grade math worksheets page and much more. This is NOT Module One.
Completing The Square: This page takes from the very basic starting with young children through all the various lessons you need to make this part of the algebra easy and understandable. I will also give you quite a bit regarding square numbers, square roots, dividing by two, squaring numbers that end in 5 and other basic foundational concepts that make math EZ and fun. This link takes you to the "start" of it, beginning with the FREE page.
Percentages:This page is great because it makes percentages so easy. Problems like 12 is what percent of 40? Or 49 is 70% of what number? Are super easy once you can see what you are doing. This page is priceless because the knowledge you find on it is contained nowhere else on the internet that I've seen.
Square Numbers This page shows you how crucially important it is to build squares. This will help with Radicals, Square Roots & more. The concept of square numbers is deceptively simple...But I've seen how important this is even for high school students. Young students can grasp the concept of square root and radicals when they can get their hands on it.
"Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn". ~O. Fred Donaldson, Contemporary American martial arts master
Problem Solving. This page makes problem solving child's play; also introduces systems of equations using "Ten Apples Up On Top". Problems like 3x - 2 = 2x + 5 are explained in detail.
These pages can lead to binge watching, or so i have been told.
Sample Lessons: This page alone is worth the whole price. Not just theory but theory in practice you get to see me "do it," unrehearsed on the fly with real live students of all ages and abilities. As one little girl recently said, "it's WAY more fun when you are doing it, than just watching videos." This is why we say math is NOT a spectator sport.
Sample Lessons with Sarah: Speaking of theory in practice, here is a page of vids with me working with an autistic girl. You see some of the actual lessons that got her to pass her GED and ACT Compass test. We should be very thankful to Sarah and her mom for giving me permission to use these. "Maybe another autistic person like me will see it and they will know math is easy too because they saw me. Yeah?" I have been told this is an invaluable resource because it shows how to break concepts down so simply that her autism isn't a barrier and at times can actually be an advantage.
DBoyz playing with math. Example isn't a way to teach. It's THE ONLY way to teach. At Crewton Ramone's House of Math I don't show you how theory...i show you how. You too can tailor lessons for you students that make learning math fun easy and personalized for your child.
"Play is training for the unexpected". ~Marc Bekoff, Contemporary American biologist
Raymond's Page. More sample lessons with another student. This a bright young student. By now it should start to become clear the concepts are the same and so are some of the lessons...the more you see theory in practice the easier it will be to practice the theory with your own students and get stellar results.
Emma's Page: This child was labeled, they wanted to introduce drugs. As Far as I could tell she was a normal child who was just bored to tears in school.
Password Protected Screencast Page on HAD another 70 vids which equates to more hours of training via screencast. All are short video lessons, usually less than 10 minutes long, (none of them more than 15 minutes long) so you can do it in bite size pieces. Due to advances in technology i lost almost all of my screencasts...they used Flash Player.
***Side note: there are FREE videos and training which you will find valuable on all almost of these pages.
SCREENCASTS: Here are two pages many people overlook. One had over 70 FREE screencasts only two of them work. Fortunately I understand the concept of redundancy, and you can find all of them on YouTube if you do a little digging. Problem is they don't always have the same name. They also exist on a back up hard drive. There's a project i'm probably never going to get to.
Note: there is no Module Three "ENTRY"; the page would be a mile-long so what you have here are all the links to pages that require the Sitewide or Module III password and have entry pages. Many take you directly to the page where you put the password in.
There are seven passwords you have three tries. Use process of elimination.
Real world, real life example of deductive reasoning by process of elimination. The names have been changed to protect innocent. This is a totally fictional situation that never happens.
Karen has just bought ALL the passwords. She finds herself on a PDFs page. Being an intelligent grown-ass woman, she uses her PDFs password and...
Darn it.
It doesn't work. Hmmm. Type it in carefully, and...
Still doesn't work. Does she...?
1. Quit even though she has all the passwords, wondering why The Sad Clown of Life mocks and torments her so...write strongly worded letter to Crewton Ramone.
2. Try another password but she only has one try left. You are certain it isn't the PDFs one, it's not Mod II: teacher training, because it's PDFs, Mod III is the site wide password. It works most places. Couldn't be advanced algebra because it's PDFs, and not Hurricane Training because it's PDFs, and not the one for the Crash Course (M0AR Training) because it's PDFs, and why would you use the Algebra Course Password that only works for the algebra course on the PDFs page? So by process of elimination we can deduce that the sw password will work. And it does.
But i will take Karen's heartfelt, electronic letter to heart and label each portal so this exercise in deductive reasoning needn't take place ever again.
"Multisensory" math is the new buzzword. It seems some educators have finally caught up with Maria Montessori and have realized that the more senses you add the easier whatever subject it is is to learn. Further, if you can see it in your mind, it's easier to describe with words or symbols. Therefore the visual component is tremendously important.
The kinesthetic or tactile component is also tremendously important. The Mortensen Method employs visual, auditory and kinesthetic components in almost every lesson.
The multisensory approach also increases understanding and speeds learning. What has turned into a 12 year curriculum in public schools can be covered in much less time with better understanding with the effective use of manipulatives.
Base 10 blocks make up the foundation of the conceptual lessons that you are going to see here. Once concepts are understood all we can do is change the numbers, but the principle is the same.
This "module" consists of many entry pages that show you theory in practice. For those of you who already have passwords scroll down the page for links that take you directly to the pages where you can put in your password, skipping the landing/entry page.
The pages are organized more or less in order from top to bottom o the navigation bar at left. But remember all you need to do is be able to count to nine, identify a rectangle and tell if something is same or different and you can get started. These are skills sets that most five year olds have already acquired.
If you don't have a password, go to the long url links under the paragraphs below that say "entry" in the URL, click for more information & free instruction.
The Module Three Password is nicked named the SiteWide password because it used to work on ALL password protected pages...but my website has grown quite a bit since then.
Now there are multiple password protected pages. Parent Teacher training teaches you concepts principles and theory. These pages show those principles in action. Principles are a few methods are many.
When you play with purpose & understanding you'll know the difference between the addends tower above and the evidence tower pictured below and their uses for learning 45 addends and 400 math facts.
Lifetime Passwords are just get a pass for a lifetime. Pay once and you are good, forever. Come back as often as you like. Watch vids, download PDFs. You get all my passwords to get through all my pay walls all for one low price...currently 4 passwords open almost all of my pages.. When you purchase the LIFETIME PASSPORT you get them all for one low price: $999.00...if you want the Algebra course it is $600.00 by itself but only $250.00 with a lifetime Passport. Teacher training is $400.00 but you can break it up into 12 easy installments of 37.00 Or get all four passwords for a few dollars more but 24 months.
Or you can purchase individual modules, & get a lifetime of access. Hit the Contact Us tab for the PayPal link or use the handy buttons provided.
***Unlimited Lifetime Access:
M0AR Training
M0AR Training $100.00
You are guided through two--one hour Introductions, one for "students" and one for "teachers", The Crash Course, Hurricane and Winter training. You can take the cost of is training off any other password or the passport.
Passport 4 Passwords + AC = All four passwords plus the Algebra Course. Basically all of my passwords for a one time fee of $1249.00. You will also get M0AR Training: the crash course and Hurricane Training + Winter Training and all of my books.
Passport 4 Passwords $999.00 = All four passwords. You will also get the crash course and Hurricane Training and all of my books. But no Algebra Course. You can always buy it separately for $250.00 if you buy all four passwords.
MOD 1: Series A+ Easy PZ + PDFs
PDF Only (MOD I) $100.00 = Module One. PDFs and Books and more PDFs. You get the series A manuals, my books and the EZ PZ Overview. You will also get the Crash Course and Hurricane Training. This module has all ten Series A Manuals online plus my books and workbooks, as well as worksheets for learning how to write numbers, pdfs explaining the method and make it EZ PZ, pdfs for practicing concepts. A plethora of PDFs all in on place. Most of them have explanatory videos to go along with them so you get best use out of them. It will take you quite a while to download and print it all. This has an entry page.
MOD 2: Parent Teacher Training + M0AR Training
Training (MOD II) $400.00 = Module Two. Training you won't get anywhere else. You will also get the Crash Course, Hurricane Training, and Winter Training, plus all of my books. Module one and two are a great combination. You will learn how to teach math using base ten blocks whether you are planning to homeschool or a side hustle, this Module will put you well ahead of any competition. Best of all the videos are fun...they may not be exactly entertaining, but they certainly are engaging. i get great results so you will get great results because i teach you how and the theory behind it, in other words how and WHY. This page has an entry page.
MOD 3 : Sitewide + PDFs
SiteWide (MOD III) $250.00 = Module Three is the most bang for your buck. It isn't so much a module with an entry page as a collection of pages. When in doubt try the Mod III password. Coupled with Module One, you basically get my website from years ago before i added all the parent/teacher training and the so called "advanced" pages. Spend time on these pages and training will be a breeze. Module Three puts theory into practice. Example IS the lesson. Module Two gives you theory and some practice, this module is all theory IN practice right in front of your eyes, you see and hear the children learning in real time. You can hear the ah-ha moments...the lessons are unrehearsed with real students. They are fun because learning is fun and watching others learn is fun too. This is in and of itself is priceless training.
MOD 4: "Advanced Pages" + SSDSS Facebook Math Group
"Advanced" (Module IV) $250.00 = i say "advanced" because Module Four is higher level math, but really you are still just creatively applying the five basic concepts. It has however come to my attention that other curriculums are not using the blocks to teach upper level algebra, and resort to symbols only in their books. i put the pictures back in and show you what the symbols mean and what the problems look like. This greatly enhances speed and efficiency of learning as well as making abstract concepts accessible to kinesthetic learners who can build the problems from the drawings. Visual learners love this method because they can see the symbols and operations, which makes it fun.
i have lots of explanatory videos to make and add. i also have several entry or landing pages to build. When the dust settles it should be much easier to navigate, to get started, & to know what to do next.
Algebra Course
$600.00. $250.00 with $999.00 PassPort.
Prerequisites: The ability to count to nine. Identify if something is same or different or not. Be able to identify a rectangle or square.
i use base ten blocks to teach ALL topics. i don' resort to symbol only lessons until AFTER we have played with blocks. Get your blocks paper and pencil and play along, my success rate with people who have failed algebra or struggled in college is 100%. If you require more explanation or assistance email me, this password comes with tech support, we will set up 1 hour video chat. i usually clear up any confusion in under 15 minutes.
Course covers:
Pre Algebra:
Number line
Factoring polynomials.
Completing the square.
Square numbers.
Graphing y = mx+b
Graphing polynomials.
Vertex Form.
Basic Trig Functions.
Problem solving.
System of equations.
Derivation Of The Quadratic Equation.
+ more.
Lessons last about 1 hour to 90 minutes (max) each. These are recordings of actual tutoring sessions that cost the parent $250.00 per 5 lessons or over $1500.00 (not all the lessons got recorded and put here). You can watch them for $25 per lesson (half off) or get the whole course for a one time payment of $600.00 Here is more than 30 hours of Algebra instruction using base ten blocks you won't get anywhere else.
As it turns out people who i thought were using base ten blocks to teach algebra AREN'T.
Subscribe for just $43.33 a month for 24 months.
Buy Modules
Module IV
No Mystery Theatre
More Sample Multiplication Lessons
House For A Duck
"It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well." ~René Descartes
“To repeat what others have said, requires education, to challenge it, requires brains.” ~Mary Pettibone Poole
"Learning is what most adults will do for a living in the 21st century." ~Perelman
"Play is training for the unexpected". ~Marc Bekoff, Contemporary American biologist
"Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn". ~O. Fred Donaldson, Contemporary American martial arts master
Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?
Consider a dollar a month.
For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page.
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website. I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.
Here's My Patreon:
Note: from time to time the passwords change. Simply e-mail me for a new one or a new passport as the case may be. Annual passes are good for one year, lifetime passes are good for as long as the site remains up, (site has been up for eight years now). All single page passwords have lifetime renewal.
Note: Mortensen Product Ordering Buttons Have Been Removed Due To Shipping/Inventory Issues. i basically DO NOT sell product for them anymore. Use eBay or other sources for base ten blocks. Check with Anna's Math Page.
Example is the lesson. Don't just watch, build squares. Bare minimum get paper and pencil and pause the video to draw them...don't just write symbols.
'This is the first time i "get it"...i totally "get it"'. It's just counting sides of squares.
Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?
Consider a dollar a month.
For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page.
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website. I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.
Here's My Patreon: