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What Other Visitors Have Said

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This morning we were playing with a pretend baking craft project. When I asked my 5-year old daughter, Natalia, to line the cups up in order from smallest …

Trickle Down Effect 
My three year old was hanging around during math camp and sits with my kids while they watch Crewton's videos. I've never asked her to participate yet …

Math Camp = Socks Knocked Off 
I am attending math camp to watch Crewton Ramone. He is so good with teaching math, I pay just to watch. My friend's son is attending math camp to get …

Thoughts from the first day of Math Camp 
I am always blown away by how great a teacher Crewton Ramone is. Having worked in public schools and taken some teacher training classes, I can say without …

Math Camp Was A Blast!  
Well, I almost didn't come to math camp because we just invested in more blocks and my husband was reluctant to spend more money right away, and he wasn't …

Algebra FTW 
My kid is 14. She's homeschooled. This last year we studied pre-algebra and she did OK. Without naming any names I will share that we used another base …

Giving My Kids The Math Education I Never Had 
While I wouldn't say I was bad at math, I didn't excel at it. I got decent grades and often times had the highest scores, but it wasn't fun and it felt …

Major Confidence Booster 
A month ago, my 8 year old son took a standardized test. It was in the comfort of our home with a personal proctor. I had essential oils flowing through …

Hope For The Future 
When I saw summer camp was available I couldn't shake the idea that we should try it. I'm so glad I did. The greatest benefit was for my daughter who …

I'm doing algebra before my teachers said I could 
My name is Riley and I am nine years old and I just went to Crewton's math camp. I had the chance to learn stuff my teachers told me they wouldn't teach …

Evaluating binomials and trinomials 
We discussed the difference between binomials and trinomials. Then we evaluated a few based on what value x was. J kept saying they were too easy. So …

One more thing that I learned at Crewton Ramone's House of Math 
I tutor students with disabilities. Almost all of the students I have worked with in the last year (including my son) struggled with the concept of a negative …

It may be harder for me..... 
Who knew that an innocent comment on a homeschoolers email group would open up a whole new world! "Mortensen Math," something I had never heard of. Why …

Basic Ops multiplication 
Problem (123)(154) My girls are so close to using paper to draw the problems, but not quite yet and they enjoy building big problems. We only have units, …

Subtraction Success 
When Supremely Simple Subtraction landed on my computer, my world changed. I have worked with students in different roles for 10 years. During that …

Child's Play - 21 month old "Ditto"  
I emptied the tray and Ditto began sorting the blocks piece by piece.

What did you just do?  
I will preface this by saying that math has never been mom's thing - at least... not until now but mom has ALWAYS been determined that her children would …

I Get It Now! Not rated yet
I work with students with learning disabilities and this is the best way hands down to get the "light to go on" for students. It's great for all age ranges …

Making The Path Smoother Not rated yet
This form of math just makes sense. The computation and understanding is there but so is logic. My kids can see the connection from one concept …

Blocks are ok for me too... Not rated yet
At one point these kids thought blocks were just for little kids. When Crewton Ramone's House of Math used blocks to help them do work that was way beyond …

Learning Becomes Fun Not rated yet
I have a six year old who long ago decided she loved reading but didn't like math, simply because she didn't "get it." This was after using math curriculum …

Little kids love the CCCC book Not rated yet
E loves the CCCC book!

The blocks make math fun for all kids! Not rated yet
My 7 yr old and 2 yr old playing with multiplication and squares. The blocks are fun!

Having fun doing Algebra Not rated yet
My 9 yr old is having fun doing his Algebra homework from Math camp.

Click here to write your own.

Girls and math Not rated yet
Here is my daughter and her BFF spending an hour a day playing math at Crewton Ramones House of Math. My future marine biologist is getting a fantastic …

Math Camp is Totally Awesome! Not rated yet
We've tried lots of different math programs but my son thinks Crewton Ramone's Math Camp is totally awesome. My son learned so much in just the first week …

Math play with neighbors Not rated yet
We have really been enjoying math camp. One of the neighborhood kids came over and asked the kids to play. They invited him in to do "homework" and he …

Teacher training - Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Not rated yet
These images were taken at a Crewton Ramone Teacher training. He makes this stuff into little child's play!

100s kind stairs Not rated yet
I have a Mortensen algebra set from 1984 so we have lots of plastic 100 basic ops squares. My 5 year old was not understanding the concept of kind so we …

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Prices are going up. Lots of pages to change and it is taking longer than i thought. In the meantime take advantage of this sale.
All passwords including algebra and crash course.


Algebra with base ten blocks online!
30 Hour Course.
Click for details.

The Addition Course

FOUR Base Ten Block BOOKS, one low price, $19.99.

Absolutely Amazing Addends

 Wildly Wondrous Work Books 

Passwords will change again "SOON".


Base Ten Block CRASH COURSE 
Just $97.00


Hourly rate is now $60.00 x 5 = $300.00.  
$75.00 single classes.

Use the contact link for payments or other communication if you can't find a paypal button.


Crewton Ramone's No Mystery Theatre

Now Has A Second Page!!!
(More FREE vids!)

And pardon me: for those of you that can't do math, the November 2020 election was absolutely stolen.  Very basic math. Trump won in a landslide, so did a lot of others...this is why YOU need math.  This will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in 2025.


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Consider a dollar a month.

For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website.  I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.

Here's My Patreon:

Note: from time to time the passwords change. Simply e-mail me for a new one or a new passport as the case may be. Annual passes are good for one year, lifetime passes are good for as long as the site remains up, (site has been up for eight years now).  All single page passwords have lifetime renewal.

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Note: Mortensen Product Ordering Buttons Have Been Removed Due To Shipping/Inventory Issues. i basically DO NOT sell product for them anymore. Use eBay or other sources for base ten blocks. Check with Anna's Math Page.

Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?

Consider a dollar a month.

For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website.  I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.

Here's My Patreon:

Passwords have been re-organized into modules. PASSWORD INFO ← Click to find out more.

Already have Passwords but they don't work anymore? Hit the Contacts Tab and email me at gmail for the new ones.

Passwords have changed as of July2023.

The superduper supersecret math page on Facebook is NOT FREE. Just sign up for a buck a month or buy books or a password.

People are shocked and amazed when they see how much they get for a password. $43.33 goes a long way at the house of math.