Prices are going up. Lots of pages to change and it is taking longer than i thought. In the meantime take advantage of this sale.
All passwords including algebra and crash course.
Algebra with base ten blocks online!
30 Hour Course.
Click for details.
FOUR Base Ten Block BOOKS, one low price, $19.99.
Absolutely Amazing Addends
Wildly Wondrous Work Books
Passwords will change again "SOON".
Just $97.00
Hourly rate is now $60.00 x 5 = $300.00.
$75.00 single classes.
Use the contact link for payments or other communication if you can't find a paypal button.
Crewton Ramone's No Mystery Theatre
Now Has A Second Page!!!
(More FREE vids!)
And pardon me: for those of you that can't do math, the November 2020 election was absolutely stolen. Very basic math. Trump won in a landslide, so did a lot of others...this is why YOU need math. This will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in 2025.
This page should entertain your toddlers for a while, and unlike Baby Einstein, after a while they'll be able to count.
Using base 10 blocks to teach counting is a cinch:
Sesame Street is now rife with social engineering. However the little vignettes for counting are ageless...The music is fun and these videos should help your child learn how to count and develop a one to one correspondence.
Having base 10 blocks out while you watch these couldn't hurt anything. Build stuff out of twos, or with blocks corresponding to whichever video the child is watching. Just let them play if they are 4 and under. Around five you can starting playing math...start with concepts.
With the blocks you can show them one to 10. And then you can show them that 11 to 20 is just one to 10 with a 10 along for the ride...
How many is ONE?
How many is TWO?
How many is THREE?
How many is FOUR?
How many is FIVE?
How many is SIX?
How many is SEVEN?
How many is EIGHT?
How many is NINE?
How many is TEN?
Addends for Twelve
I'm so old I remember Sesame Street before the Count:
Learn to use your base ten blocks!
Down Load FREE Addends Game. Make 9s & 10s plus # Identification!
FREE Preschool Finder's Game
Series A Manual Games and Activities
Math With Playing Cards
“Sally, you've never seen a street like Sesame Street before. Everything happens here. You're gonna love it!” ~ Gordon of the Robinson family.
“Yeah, well, I’ve got a dream too, but it’s about singing and dancing and making people happy. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with.” ~ Kermit the Frog
"No, no more, Slimey. That was a lot of excitement for a little worm. You get some rest and we'll read some more tomorrow. [to the camera] You're still here? Hey, why don't you go read a book or something?" ~Oscar the Grouch.
"Greetings! I am the Count. They call me the Count because I love to count things." ~ Count von Count.
Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?
Consider a dollar a month.
For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page.
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website. I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.
Here's My Patreon:
Note: from time to time the passwords change. Simply e-mail me for a new one or a new passport as the case may be. Annual passes are good for one year, lifetime passes are good for as long as the site remains up, (site has been up for eight years now). All single page passwords have lifetime renewal.
Note: Mortensen Product Ordering Buttons Have Been Removed Due To Shipping/Inventory Issues. i basically DO NOT sell product for them anymore. Use eBay or other sources for base ten blocks. Check with Anna's Math Page.
Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?
Consider a dollar a month.
For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page.
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website. I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.
Here's My Patreon: