
by Crewton Ramone
(Maui, Hawaii)

Stolen off Facebook.

Stolen off Facebook.

This morning we were playing with a pretend baking craft project.

When I asked my 5-year old daughter, Natalia, to line the cups up in order from smallest to largest, that was easy. Most 2 or 3 year olds know bigger and smaller.

However, when we looked at the numbers on the cups (1/2, 1/3, and 1/4) and asked her which one was the smallest, and she said "1/2".

That makes sense because she has only seen whole numbers up to this point. We have talked about sharing (division and fractions) but only with whole numbers.

For example, using the blocks we ask "If 3 mermaids want to share 1 apple, how many pieces should we cut the apple into. She knows three pieces.

This was a perfect opportunity to bring in the math blocks and the fractions kit and relate them to something in the real world (baking and measuring cups).

So when we got out the fractions and looked at 1/2 (the orange pieces on the right in the picture), 1/3 (pink), and 1/4 (yellow) and took those pieces side by side, she could SEE and FEEL that 1/2 is BIGGER than 1/3, and that 1/3 is BIGGER than 1/4.

At that point she said:

"With fractions, the smaller numbers are bigger than the larger numbers.... that's crazy!!"

She totally got it!!

I am very impressed with how quickly she is learning these concepts, and I am equally impressed with how the Mortensen's More Than Math blocks (plug for Crewton Ramone's House of Math) make learning math simple, easy, and fun.

I'm a big fan and super grateful to know that my daughter will never suffer at the hands of a math teacher who doesn't know better!

Thanks, Cewton!

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Sep 09, 2018
Learning with your kids is exciting!
by: Crewton Ramone

It's fun for both the child and the parent when you see them learning Right in front of your eyes. It gets exciting. And you ask yourself what else can I teach them? They are like sponges up until the age of about 12, but even on up to 18.

The Hurricane Training is fractions-centric. I spent a lot of time on fractions. After watching that training you should be able to try the lessons out on your students or children.

This is an everyday occurrence in Mortensen Math Homeschools, and It is an everyday occurrence when it is employed by Montessori teachers and professionals.

This website will show YOU how.

I took this off the Facebook page because this was too good to have it be buried there.

This is exactly the way to do it too. Play on the floor. That's where they play. That's where my boys pushed their trucks and cars around. On the floor. So you'll see pictures of us doing math on the floor. They can come to the table when they're bigger. Just like Thanksgiving. When they are little late on the floor with them. Make eye contact. Dads I'm talking to you. Smile when you do. Nodd approvingly when they get it right, remove the NO from the lesson, when they get it wrong. It is the teacher's responsibility to put them in a position where they CAN NOT fail. At the very early ages it is always the teacher who is at fault when it comes to lack of understanding.

You must explain it simply and concisely. Make it into child's play. Play games, see module one for more. Games and Activities. The Child learns through play.

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