It may be harder for me.....

by Carrie

Who knew that an innocent comment on a homeschoolers email group would open up a whole new world!
"Mortensen Math," something I had never heard of. Why not investigate, I was already investigating other math curriculums, looking for a new approach; something to foster my K daughters apparent ease with numbers (and not kill it) and something that might help my 6th grade daughter who struggles with pencil and paper math.
An innocent comment led to a google search which led here, to Crewton Ramone's House of Math. Feelings of curiosity, excitement, overwhelm.... The website felt a bit like an iceberg - so much apparent above the surface, SOO much below the surface, still to be revealed!
The videos! OMG, the videos! Where has this been my WHOLE homeschooling career! Where has this been my whole life! I'm hooked!
SO, I bought a password, got in on the June sale, and waited........
Fast forward - the boxes arrive and it's like Christmas - opening presents with excitement, awe, wonder.
The kids are curious. My littles (K daughter, toddler son) take to them immediately - playing, building. My eldest holds back, skepticism all over her face.
I pull her aside. I show her what little bit I have learned so far from the videos. It doesn't seem painful. There is a glimmer of curiosity in those eyes...
I take my first parent training. I realize with a huge sigh and heavy heart, I never learned math, just computation.
So, one more thing for me to learn/re-learn along side my kiddos
My K daughter though, each time I pull them out she gets excited. We count, we build, we name what we build and count and its all fun and games.
Today we counted by 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s. Then she wanted to stop. She'd rather build walls - as she'd seen me do with her older sister. So we built 10s, oooh, all those colors! Then she wanted to build 100! So we did it in the tray and she got to see that 100 was made of 10 10s and we could build those 10s in any number of ways and we filled the square and counted to 100 by ones and 10s - YEAH!
And then she was done and 45 minutes had flown by.
And I found myself feeling disappointed - that we hadn't "worked" math very much.
And then, just as fast as that negativity had welled up, I realized that this was EXACTLY why we were here!
This IS the paradigm shift we need. She played, she had fun, and she learned!
This may be harder for me than for them.

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Aug 11, 2017
Yes. Yes. Yes.
by: Kirk Lunde


This is exactly how I think it should be done. Follow the child.
Do what they want to do.
Make math fun.
Treat the reluctant (always the older) children without pressure.
Play games.
You are a rock star!

Oct 30, 2015
Great post!
by: Patricia Pfaeltzer


Oct 30, 2015
Fantastic...I'll be using that.
by: Crewton Ramone

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