Subtraction Success

by Kirk Lunde
(Tucker, Georgia USA)

Moving from blocks to abstract, working on negative numbers. That is a big step to take.  You don't see the wobble board she's standing on.

Moving from blocks to abstract, working on negative numbers. That is a big step to take. You don't see the wobble board she's standing on.

When Supremely Simple Subtraction landed on my computer, my world changed.

I have worked with students in different roles for 10 years. During that time I looked at, and worked with, dozens of math systems.

Supremely Simple Subtraction is revolutionary.

One of the students I tutor was diagnosed with dyscalculia when she was in 9th grade. Her biggest problem is understanding subtraction and negative numbers. In thirty minutes of imitating what Crewton Ramone demonstrated in his subtraction videos (linked in the Supremely Simple Subtraction manual) I was able to help her see how to subtract multi-digit numbers and make change.

Once she did a couple problems with the blocks, she was able to jump right into working problems on paper. She could "see" how the ones related to the tens and the tens to the hundreds and so on in a way she was never able to before.

When I quizzed her three weeks later, she was still able to make change.

The best part is how this helped her confidence. She no longer has to hide the fact she can't subtract. That has been HUGE in her life.

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Jul 24, 2020
I never would have believed it...
by: Anonymous

We've been exploring Mortensen math for a few weeks now, and are simply amazed! My son has dyslexia and dyscalculia and we found out about this math program through a FB group. There are no words to describe how thankful I am for this method. I am enjoying learning and understanding math for the first time (and my 7-year-old self with math anxiety is enjoying it too!) THANK YOU!

Apr 11, 2019
New to Subtraction Success
by: Anonymous

I am looking forward to trying this with my son today after school.

Jun 07, 2015
SPED on steroids
by: Kirk Lunde

I worked in SPED for 4 years.

The training given to me was a very weak version of what Crewton Ramone does. Also, nobody ever mentioned using manipulatives beyond addition and subtraction.

My opinion is there is not one "way" that will work for everyone. That said, CRHOM is the best "way" to reach the most students I have seen.

Jun 07, 2015
Love this!
by: Crewton Ramone.

How tremendously excellent!

My only comment would be play MORE with blocks and drawing before moving to symbols for even greater effect. Obviously, in this case "a couple of times" was sufficient...

Practice comes through PLAY. Parents have the luxury of time in a tutoring situation there is only so much time in an hour to get things done and money can be a factor, but parents and classroom teachers have time. No need to rush as you can see the base ten blocks hands on approach is extremely powerful.

You will find you have success with"SPED" kids or children with legitimate learning disabilities when you slow down and practice (read PLAY) more. And often you find the child wasn't really disabled they were given a label because the methodology used to teach them didn't work for their learning style...there was no disability and nothing "wrong" with the child., what was wrong was the modality used to teach the student wasn't working.

I understand she may be shy but if you can get a picture of her smiling face in the future, please post it.

As you and I both know, this is better than money and why we do what we do. You made a difference in another person's life that will last a lifetime.

Love this!

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